Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Something new....

We're trying something new at our house....OK not really everyone in our house...just Kaitlyn. She's going to try out for cheer and Canyon View High School. This will be something new for her considering she has been dancing her whole life and has absolutely no cheer experience. She did get a great compliment today from the advisor and is working really hard to learn the cheer part. She has the leaps, jumps, and of course the dance down. I was teasing her and saying that now she just needs to learn to talk and move at the same time. Try-outs are next Monday and she'll know Tues if she makes it. Wish her luck!!!


Lara Neves said...

Good luck to Kaitlyn! I am sure she'll do wonderfully, and maybe she'll even like it better than drill team in the end.

Jake and Stephanie Perrin said...

GOOD LUCK!! Praying for her over here!!! GOOD LUCK