Tuesday, September 16, 2008

And why do I do this???

So here I sit after another crazy night of soccer.....after of course a very long day of work and not enough sleep at night....and why do I do this?? It's simple....I'm a mom and I have kids. Does that just say it all?

I was really ready for this soccer season to be over 2 weeks ago. When I signed the kids up for soccer I didn't realize that I would once again be coaching a team of rowdy little boys. (I think I have "sucker" written right across my forehead)...but aside from that, having 3 kids playing soccer can be quite a juggling match some nights. Tonight just happened to be one of those nights. 3 kids playing soccer and 3 games in one night can make a person crazy....(just by reading this post you can tell I don't make any sense....LOL) Talise had her game first at 5:30 which I had to leave before it was over to go and coach Jacob's game. I missed Kaitlyn's game because of the coaching deal because her game was also at 6:30. The only good part about it I guess is that we are all at the same place, but on 3 very far away from each other fields. I did however get to watch the last 15 minutes or so of Kaitlyn's game which pretty much took place in the dark.....do they make glow in the dark soccer balls??? LOL!!

My kids absolutely love this game and so for them I involuntarily coach soccer, cheer like crazy when I'm at their games and let them know that I think they're the best player out there. And what do I get out of it besides being absolutely exhausted?? I get the satisfaction of watching them do something they love, make new friends, learn new skills, and have the time of their life doing it....win or lose they love the game.

And that is why I do this......


Kate said...

Soccer is so worth it. My kids all loved it and we went through many exhausting nights. Hang in there, it is worth it.

QueenV said...

Oh Lori, and here I thought I had it bad the other day when I got off of a 10 hour shift to attend Tonio's soccer game to immediatley go to parent teacher conference for Destiny, then come home to a mess by my dog.. WE MOTHERS ROCK!!!